Yukon Photo Tour Blog Sept 3 2016

September 03, 2016 at 1:11 PM

September 2, 2016 - Emerald Lake, worlds smallest desert & Klondike Hwy

Our first stop today was at Emerald Lake on the South Klondike Highway. The blue/green color is caused from light reflecting off white deposits of marl, a mixture of clay and calcium carbonate,at the bottom of the shallow waters.

Just a few kilometers south of Emerald Lake, we stopped at the smallest desert in the world; at least according to the Guinness Book of World Records. In fact the climate is too moist for this area to support a true desert. The Carcross Desert (or sand dunes) are a result of a glacial process where the sand from a large glacial lake settled to the bottom and as the glacier melted, the lake drained leaving the dunes we see today.

Our next stop is the village of Carcross. The village was originally named Caribou Crossing because of the twice a year migration of large herds of caribou just east of the town site. When railway construction through the White Pass was completed, the final gold spike was hammered into the track here on July 29, 1900.

Matthew Watson’s General Store across from the rail station is the Yukon’s oldest operating store. Enjoy day ten's selection of images.

Albert, Val, Kwang and Sue lining up their shots at Emerald Lake


Emerald Lake


Using the fall colours to frame the lake


The Carcross Desert


The clouds are still with us, even in the desert


Lots of truck and ATV tracks throughout the desert


Some of the delicate flora growing in the sand


Fractus clouds swirled just above the sandy ground


Sue shooting back


The fall leaves have started to drop


Some of the ground cover around the edge of the desert


Rosehip flower in a sheltered area of the desert


The fall colours are just about peaking this week


This Carcross bakery had a great selection of scones and the soup was really good too.


The truck’s driving days are over, but it adds a nice splash of vintage colour to the scene.


A great way to recycle old bicycles


Carcross is located at the end of Bennett Lake.


The trestle used by the White Pass and Yukon Railway (WPYR)


Another view of the trestle


Although they appear grown over, these narrow gauge tracks see trains several times a week.


This ground squirrel was making his home beside the trestle.


From the poster it doesn’t appear that being a Pony Express rider was a long-term career 


Albert with the WPYR moose.


A juvenile eagle perched on a hydro pole beside the river. There was also an adult bald eagle on a pole across the river.


Albert, Godfrey and Claude photograph WPYR train as it arrives in Carcross. Tomorrow it will be our turn to ride the train.


Here are more images from our guests reflecting back over the entire trip.

Thanks Albert for sharing your images ... Muskoxen at the Yukon Wild Life Preserve.

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Grey Fox at the Yukon Wild Life Preserve.

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Elk at the Yukon Wild Life Preserve

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Dall Sheep at Kluane Lake

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Quill Creek south of Haines Junction

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Panorama looking northwest toward Haines Junction

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Thanks Godfrey for sharing your images… View from of Dezadeash Lake from the Rock glacier.

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Kathleen Lake

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Thanks Sue for sharing your image… Emerald Lake

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Thanks for sharing your image Betty Ann… View from the top – Carcross Desert.

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Tomorrow is our last full day and we are taking the White Pass and Yukon Railway from Fraser BC to Skagway Alaska then return to Whitehorse for our farewell dinner. Good night from all the Trekkers in Whitehorse.


Please add a comment

Posted by Jenny on
Beautiful scenery thanks for sharing another great blog.
Posted by Keith on
Great images. I've enjoyed each days posts.
Posted by Kelly on
Interest to read about Carcross desert. I had never heard of it.
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