Current Photo Tours 2019/2020 Schedule
- Niagara Lights at Night Tour - Saturday January 11th, 2020
- Costa Rica Photo Tour - February 6th to 15th, 2020
- Antarctica Photo Tour - February 20th to March 5th, 2020
- Morocco Photo Tour - May 1st to 11th, 2020
- Kenya & Tanzania Tour - October 8th - 22nd, 2020
- Galapagos Islands Photo Tour - November 28th to December 8th, 2020
- Our 2019/2020 Tour Brochure available for download
Queen Charlotte Islands Photo Tour -
"Capturing the beauty of Canada's west coast"
Queen Charlotte Islands are a series of islands at the most westerly point of Northern British Columbia. Now called Haida Gwaii, is made up of an ancient temperate rainforest, quaint villages, secluded inlets, and beaches that stretch as far as the eye can see. A place so remote roads cannot bring you here. I look forward to sharing this adventure with you.
James Cowie
Queen Charlotte Islands Photo Tour Itinerary - July 8th to July 16th, 2014
Day One: Tuesday July 8th 2014: Our tour begins by meeting the group at London Airport for our Air Canada flight departure. We will fly to Toronto meet our connection flight to Vancouver, then fly on Sandspit Airport on Queen Charlotte Islands arriving at 3:00 p.m. We will transfer from Sandspit to Queen Charlotte City via ferry (the islands are connected by ferries). We will make a couple of stops as we travel to our hotel the Sea Raven to photograph the historic totem poles. Later in the afternoon check-in, time to settle and relax from our flight, dinner and then have a sunset photo shoot.
Day Two: Wednesday July 9th 2014 : (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) We will begin our first day on Queen Charlotte Islands by visiting and photographing in Old Masset, Tow Hill and Rose Spit. Located 2 km north of Massett the community of Old Massett sometimes called Haida . Old Massett is one of the two villages the Haida Nation regrouped in the late 1800‘s there are still approximately 600 ban members living at the Old Massett townsite. This region offers up many photo opportunities. In the afternoon we will spend time photographing near Tow Hill and Rose Spit. Even though there is only approximately 120 km of roads on the island our trek today will be a full day out. Returning to our hotel for dinner and another sunset opportunity.
Day Three: Thursday July 10th 2014: (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) Today we will visit the opposite side of the island and photograph at Port Clements, Juskatla and Rennell Sound. Port Clements is close to the mouth of the Yukon River this region also host the logging side of the island. Several trails and small business make up the local flavour Port Clements. Then on to Juskatla a settlement on Juskatla Inlet this is the northernmost of the Queen Charlotte Islands again offering up spectacular landscape opportunities. Juskatla used to have a population of 5 it now has 0. It is still a major wood processing region. Then we will finish todays tour by visiting Rennell Sound, which is the largest sound on the west cost of Haida Gwaii. Cutting 29 km into Graham Island, the larger of the two main islands you will capture snowcapped Queen Charlotte Mountains and many other beautiful images along this rugged coastline. Return to our hotel for dinner and sunsets opportunities.
Day Four: Friday July 11th 2014: (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) Today we will visit some of the coastal inlets by Zodiac. Heading in the opposite end of the islands by water, which by the way, is the only way you can get to these inlets. We will photograph some of the regions only reached by water. It is important to keep your camera at the ready as wildlife and marine life will be important subjects today. We will return to our hotel mid afternoon with time to relax before dinner. As always in the evening sunset opportunities.
Day Five: Saturday July 12th 2014 : (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) Today we will visit the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary, Masset Inlet and Masset Harbour. Adding to our Queen Charlotte Islands experience we will visit the Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary. The sanctuary is one of the critical chain of coastal wetlands on the BC coast and provides a rich feeding area during migration times. Approximately 140 species of birds visit the sanctuary annually. The sanctuary covers 716 acres and has boardwalks over the wetlands, viewing platforms, shoreline access and a gravel road trail to the sandy ocean beach. Later in the afternoon we will visit Massett Inlet and Massett Harbour. Returning to our hotel in the evening for dinner and sunsets.
Day Six: Sunday July 13th 2014: (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) Today’s photo trek will see us visiting Balance Rock on the shores near Skidegate and then onto the forest and shores near Tlell. Later in the afternoon we will take a coffee and snack break then travel by bus to the visit a different region for sunsets. Dinner a little later when we return to our hotel.
Day Seven: Monday July 14th 2014: (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) This morning we will meet our the Zodiac’s and visit a few more remote areas of the islands. Below Skidegate most of the regions can only be reach by water. This will give us more wildlife and marine life opportunities and visit a few more of the hidden treasures of the island. Each km of the coast offers up new and interesting items to photograph. Please note if weather conditions are not favourable the zodiac days may change slightly on our schedule. This afternoon we will return to our hotel for some time to relax, dinner and prepare for our journey home.
Day Eight: Tuesday July 15th 2014: (Breakfast at the Sea Raven included with package) After breakfast we will depart for the ferry for the short transfer to Sandspit Airport to begin our journey home. Flying from Queen Charlotte Islands to Vancouver Airport, then our final evening and overnight of the tour in Vancouver.
Day Nine: Wednesday July 16th 2014: Breakfast then transfer to Vancouver Airport, our flight departs at 8:00 a.m. flying via Toronto back to London. Our London flight arrives at 5:00 p.m.
**Please note our hotel is located close to many historic landmarks, a museum and Haida heritage village. During the tour our photographers are welcome to visit and photograph during off hours when the site is free of other visitors.
Our Queen Charlotte Photo Tour is $2989.00 CAD per person plus HST based on double occupancy, plus air taxes of $185.00, single supplement is an additional $490.00 CAD. Our tour departs from London International Airpot, other departure points available upon request.
** Schedule may vary according to weather and travel conditions.
Tour Exclusions: Any item not listed on the itinerary, gratuities, personal insurance coverage, alcoholic beverages, and laundry.
Booking space for this tour may be done online or by contacting James Cowie at 519-679-8520 ext. 2223 or by email or Shari Parker at 519-679-8520 ext 2231 or by email the online booking is available by visiting then select Queen Charlotte Islands Tour.
A non refundable deposit of $500.00 CAD is required at time of booking, balance of $3062.57 CAD due on May 26th, 2014. We recommend the purchase of travel and health insurance as this tour takes us out of the province. Health insurance is highly recommended.