Monday Nov 15th, 2016 - Yangon to Mandalay
We took and early morning flight from Yangon to Mandalay about 1 1/2 hours flying time. Once we arrived we visited the Mahagandayon Monastery in Amarapura just in time to see the monks having lunch and then opportunity to chat with them. We then had time to photograph and explore the monastery grounds.
It is also Myanmar halloween here today so locals are dressed up, taking donations for the monks and playing pranks on their neighbours. Apparently if you have been a little tight with your money in the village over the year the jokes on you and you end up hosting a dinner for the entire village.
Later in the afternoon we visited the temple with the gold leaf Buddha. This was originally a bronze statue that they have added gold leaf to which has increased the weight by 2,000 pounds. A couple of years ago it actually cracked with the weight and had to be repaired. Finally we visited the original royal palace which was moved during the second world war. The final royalty died in exile in the late 1800’s. Below are the selection of photos from todays activities.
Here’s a map showing our flight from Yangon to Mandalay.
Smooth flight this morning.
Wendy arriving and ready to go.
Zhugang ready to head out.
Monks preparing to serve lunch, all the food is donated.
We were very lucky to be invited inside the dining hall.
Another view inside the dining hall. Monks eat twice a day, Breakfast at 4 am then lunch at 10:30 am then only liquids for the rest of the day.
A young novice monk having breakfast, monks are accepted at the age of 9. This is a very high honour for families to have a son as a monk.
Looks good.
All shoes must remain outside.
This monk heading back to his dorm.
Washing up.
We had a chance to speak with some of the monks after lunch. Christine having a conversation with this gentleman.
Young girl painted up for halloween.
Wendy having conversation about the monastery.
A young monk washing up.
Wash day ... robes drying.
Young monks heading back to class.
Looks like this little guy wants to follow.
Study area.
Kitchen where all the food is prepared.
Young girls helping prepare food.
Monks heading toward the lake as we left the monastery.
Heading back into the village. The stick go down and you make a donation for the monks and festivities it’s halloween.
More fun in the streets.
Family car.
Inside the market heading towards the gold buddha.
These bronze statures were brought from Angor Wat in the 16th century and the locals believe by rubbing the stature then the part of their body that is hurting this will heal them.
Wendy must be anticipating a tummy ache.
A close-up of one of the statues.
Gold Buddha.
Plenty of photo opportunities in the temple.
Young lady outside the temple with flowers.
Nancy chatting wth this older lady inside the temple.
This street painter creates his art using oils and a razor blade.
The original palace.
A young monk posing by the palace door. The building is covered in wood carvings.
One of our own becomes a monk ????
Night reflections as we head out to dinner.
It’s been a full day and we are off to bed. More from Mandalay tomorrow as we are set to head out at 4:30 a.m for a photo shoot at the U-Ban bridge at sunrise. Good night from all the Trekkers in Myanmar.