India Tour 2012 - Day Six Ranthambhore

November 25, 2012 at 6:59 PM

India Photo Tour Day Six

November 23 & 24, 2012

Ranthambhore National Park

We have now arrived at Ranthambhore National Park for the safari portion of our tour.  It was about a four hour drive from Jaipur this morning into the mountains that surround Rathambore.  We have three visits into the jungle with hopes of some photos of the tiger.  This park is proud to boast a population of 45 plus tigers.  The afternoon was spent enjoying the resort and at 2:30 p.m. we departed for our first journey into the park.  It was a beautiful afternoon netting some interesting images. 

We will be back out at 6:30 a.m. for our next visit to the park.  Some of the group are going to stay in the park after our safari and hike to the Ranthambhore fort high above the park and we look forward to sharing those images.

Good night from Ranthambhore and enjoy some of the images from today.

Entrance into the Park.


Fountain in the wall as you enter the main gates.


Some of our group behind us checking out a few sights as we enter the park.


This is a Tiger bird and if you hold out your hand he will come to you.


Sambre Deer


This playful monkey is only 3 to 4 days old.


With her Mom.


Catch me!!!


Green Heron, image by Danesh Danuri


Tiger Bird in the trees.


Water snakes .... image by Rob Paterson.


As the sun starts to set by the old dam.


Sun set by the lake.


Our lodge by night, image by Rob Paterson.


Tomorrow will be two more safaris. Good night from the jungle in India.  



Please add a comment

Posted by Gail Nichol on
Beautiful photos. So tell me did you have tie down Rob to keep him in at night ?????? LOL. Looking forward to more photos.
Posted by Denis Doré on
Allo Debby M !
Next time i'll be in your sutecases. It is so lovely .
Denis xxx
Posted by Helen Janes on
Hi Debbie M,
I didn't see any pictures of you on Camels or Elephants yet :)
Looks like a great trip and some amazing pictures.
Enjoy the rest of the week.
Posted by Brian Boyd on
So when do we see Rob doing a belly dance (as in Greece) with those water snakes. :-)
Posted by Kim on
Great shots! Keep them coming.

Nice shot of the lodge hon!

Best wishes to everyone.
Posted by Nancy R. on
Hi Debbie M.
The pics are magnificent. Enjoying following your trip. Love nancy and bob
Posted by Julie on
Hi Patti
Great pics!! Looks like you are having a fabulous time. Loved the elephant pic. Enjoy the rest of your holiday!
Posted by Kathleen Beaufait on
Wow what an amazing trip all of you are experiencing! Debbie A. can't wait to hear all about it. See you soon :)
Posted by debbie awde on
Hi Debbie,

I hope you have some of these photos you can frame. Your trip looks amazing. What an experience and it looks like a movie rather than reality.

Be safe for the rest of your trip.

Posted by Hal on
It appears to be a lovely trip with many photo opportunities. While all of these are delightful; again, I would like to see a sample of images from all of the photographers.
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