Yosemite Photo Tour Blog Entry April 27, 28, & 29, 2014
I want to open with apologies for the last couple of days with no blog entries. We have been without an internet connection in Yosemite Valley. We arrived in San Francisco this afternoon and back to a connection to the internet. So I have included the last three days into this post.
We have had an amazing last three days. Our photo shoot locations have been very rewarding. On the 28th the snow line at 7,000 feet melted enough that the park service opened the trail to Glacier Point. It was great to be up at the point looking back into Yosemite Valley. Another highlight was capturing a few images of a Bobcat or Lynx close to the Vernal Falls Trail.
This morning we departed Yosemite and traveled back to San Francisco for the next three days. After settling into our San Francisco hotel we went down to the bay to shoot sunset photos close to the Golden Gate Bridge then stuck around for a little night photography.
Tomorrow morning we depart for Angle Island National Park which is a short ferry ride out past the harbour, then a visit to Alcatraz. Enjoy a few images from the last three days in Yosemite and tonight in San Francisco.
Morning image at Bridal Vail Falls
Another shot from tunnel view. This shows how different two morning shoots can be.
Relaxing in Ledig Meadow, with Yosemite Falls in the background
An image of Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls from the meadows near swing bridge.
Another Ansel in the park, some of you will notice the rail fence ... it's been repaired!
A mountain blue bird near Yosemite Falls.
Mountain blue bird in flight through the meadows.
An artist working on a painting near Yosemite Church.
Yosemite Church.
Judy, John and Lorna checking out how high the flood waters hit the valley on Feb 1, 1997.
B&W of Happy Isle Bridge near Vernal Falls Trail
This Bobcat or Lynx was shot by Bob Steer near the above bridge during our afternoon shoot.
The Bobcat moved pretty quickly along the shoreline, thanks Bob Steer
This was a great photo opportunity thanks for the great shots Bob Steer.
Half Dome photographed from Sentinel Bridge
Bob setting up his shot at Mirror Lake during our early morning shoot.
An HDR B&W at Mirror Lake
The beauty of Mirror Lake ... the most amazing reflections
Mirror Lake offers many interesting views for reflections
Landscape view, early morning is the best time for reflections at the lake.
A B&W reflection shot.
A similar shot in colour
The sun hitting the lush green trees made for beautiful colour.
The views were breath taking.
Later in the afternoon we received news the Glacier Peak Trail was open, this is the view from Glacier Peak at an altitude of 7,200 feet. You can see Vernal and Nevada Falls,
The view was great and surprisingly it was about 14C and sunny at the top. Still some snow too.
Birds eye view of Vernal Falls, you can see many hikers at the top of the falls.
John capturing an image from Glacier Peak
Interesting sign post at the entrance to Yosemite Cemetary
One last look at Yosemite Falls before departing this afternoon.
Waterfalls on the hillside as we left the park today.
Many controlled burns throughout the park
A view of Alcatraz this evening across the bay at sunset.
Sunset at the Golden Gate Bridge
After sunset at the bridge, you can see a cruise ship departing the bay.
We visit the park near the bridge for a few night shots after sunset
We hope you have enjoyed some of the images from the last three days of shooting. That's it for this evenings post. More image from San Francisco tomorrow. Good night from all of the Trekkers on the west coast.